Efficacy and Benefits of Red Betel Leaves For Health

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Efficacy and Benefits of Red Betel Leaves For Health
Betel leaves Red or Red betel plant is often made ​​in ornamental plants by some Indonesian communities , but often that use it as a medicinal plant , it is because of proven Betel leaves can cure various diseases , therefore Well In This article I try to share Efficacy articles on Betel Leaves Red for all my friends , who hopefully will be made in Referseni friends when they want to search for Traditional Medicines .

Red betel has the Latin name of the plant Piper crocatum can say Herbal plants as well as the advantage of already since thousands of years ago by our ancestors , even while still in the Age of the plant kingdom has been very popular for health and beauty of the human body , especially women .Want to know what is the benefit of this Red Betel leaf , let's let's look at 14 Efficacy of Betel Leaves to The Human Body in red below .
Efficacy and Benefits of Red Betel Leaves For Health
Overcoming burns : prepare a pinch of red betel leaves and wash . Squeeze the water and then give a little honey . After the posting on the site of the burn .
Stopping nosebleeds : provide one piece of red betel leaves are still young , then roll . Having put in the nostril bleed .
Overcoming ulcer : take a number of red betel leaves , wash clean . After that grind until smooth and smear with a little hot water in the stomach . Replace two meals a day .
Overcoming itching : Take 20 red siri leaves , cook with boiling water . Then use to shower while still warm .
Remove red eye : take 5 or 6 young leaves , cook with hot water , then wait until the cold water, then wash it into the affected eye . Do it three times a day until healed eye .
Prevent bleeding gums : Heat four red leaf siri in two cups of water . After a rather cool use for rinsing .
Prevent thrush : Take 1-2 leaves and then wash . Chew to shreds and then dispose of when it was enough .
Reducing Mouth Odor : Prepare two or four leaves , wash and squeeze . Brewed with hot water and drink .
To cure a cough : Prepare 15 pieces of red betel leaf and three glasses of water . Wash the leaves and heat until only one quarter. Then drink with honey .
Bronchitis : Cooking seven red betel leaves that have been washed with sugar in two cups of water . Wait until the stay into a glass . And then drink three glasses each day .
Reduce body odor : Take five leaves and cook in two cups of water . Wait till into a glass and drink during the day .
Reduce Acne : Take seven to 10 leaves , wash and puree . Pour in two cups of hot water . Use water to wash the face . Do it 2-4 times every day to get the best results
Overcome vaginal discharge : Take 10 and makers of red betel leaves and wash with water about 3 litar . Use its soaking water is still warm to clean the vagina
Curing breast swelling due to give baby milk : Take a few strands , wash and apply a little coconut oil . After reheat briefly over a flame until the leaves shrivel . Put it in the breast while still slightly warm

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