daily habits that endanger health

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1 . Using a hand gel ( hand sanitizer )Many of you who choose to use hand sanitizer to clean your hands of germs and bacteria . Therefore , there is a saying that hand sanitizer is as clean by using water . However , a recent study showed that hand sanitizer that contains triclosan can cause bacteria and viruses resistant to antibiotic drugs .
2 . Often change skin care products" Women are easily bored with beauty products they use , especially when they do not see results . Changes it has seen approximately 6 to 8 weeks , " said Jody Levine , MD , a dermatologist in New York City . He also said that if you are frequently changing beauty product , it may cause the skin is red , inflamed , and become more sensitive .
3 . Using flip-flopsApparently, not just high heel shoes only, flip-flops are also not good for the health of the foot . Jordana Szpiro , DPM , a podiatrist and foot surgeon in Boston said that flip- flops do not provide structural support to the foot . This can lead to fractures because of the foot become strained as they try to sustain the weight is too much .
4 . Brushing your teeth after eatingMany people who advise you that brushing your teeth after consuming food or drink . This was done so that your teeth are not porous . However , not to Greg Diamond , DDS , a periodontist in New York . He said that after you eat , no acid attached to your teeth where these substances weaken tooth enamel . If you are brushing your teeth immediately after eating , it actually causes the brittle enamel . He just advise you to rinse your mouth with water . You only need brushing your teeth twice a day, at morning and evening . In addition , when you brush your teeth , make sure you do it in a circular motion , not the top - down or right - left . That way , the harmful bacteria that exist in between the teeth and gums can be lost more and not injure the gums .
5 . Just do cardio when exercisingMaybe you think that you 've done enough exercise and good for health . But , think about what type of exercise you often do . If you are just running , cycling , or doing other types of exercise cardio exercise only ( muscle ) , it does not actually harm the body healthy . Joseph Ciccone , DPT , CSCS , a physical therapist in Columbia Doctors Eatside Sports Therapy in New York say that you definitely do repetitive movements when you do this type of sport . It makes the muscles become strained and cause injury .
6 . Skipping mealsStrategy to be able to lose weight is to reduce the size of the meal . Yes , it is true , but a lot of the wrong people perceive it . People try not to eat anything that fast weight down . Danine Fruge , MD , associate medical director at the Pritikin Longevity Center and Spa in Miami , says that if you do that , you may be experiencing cravings and make you eat more .
7 . Drinking bottled waterWhat would you choose , tap water or bottled water ? Surely all choose bottled water . Because, you think that bottled water cleanliness is guaranteed . However , it turns out bottled water does not contain fluoride and may cause damage to the teeth . You even encouraged to consume tap water that has been filtered . It 's more healthy .
8 . Cleaning with a disinfectant productKeeping your house is always clean you might consider as a way to obtain perfect health . For that , you often use antibacterial cleaners or disinfectants . Apparently, these types of cleaners containing quaternary ammonium compounds that can cause asthma . Additionally , your hormones can be disrupted when you are using these types of cleaners .
9 . Consuming nutritional supplements" People often take nutritional supplements without properly understanding what they consume , " says Christine Rosenbloom , PhD , RD , professor emeritus at Georgia State University . Maybe you do not know that sumplemen nutrition side effects that harm your health . Too much vitamin A can harm the developing fetus . Vitamin C in large doses can interfere with digestion and interfere with the reading of glucose levels in diabetics . Lots of vitamin B6 can cause nerve damage . For that , you have to make sure that your vitamin intake . Turns out it's not just healthy , but can also be dangerous .
10 . spongesPhillip Tierno , PhD , Head of Clinical Diagnostic Microbiology and Immunology at New York University Langone Medical Center , and author of The Secret Life of Germs stated that the dirtiest room in the house everyone is in the kitchen . The reason is , this is where ordinary people interact with the animal 's body on the table and the sink . Raw meat can carry E. coli and salmonella bacteria , in addition to viruses and other bacteria .
11 . vacuumConventional vacuum cleaners intended to remove the dust that is quite visible with the naked eye . However , small particles of dust which can drift out of the pores vakumlah for concern .
12 . Sleeping with a pillow and mattressIn general , the average human being left 1.5 million dead skin cells per hour and at least one body fluid dispensing kwart per day , although not do anything . The dead shells accumulate in pillows and mattresses into delicious food for small vermin .Every 10 years , the mattress will feel 2 times heavier than the initial weight due to the accumulation of hair , body fluids , animal hair , dead skin , fungus , spores , bacteria , chemicals , fibers , dust mites , insects , and others . After 5 years , 10 percent of the weight of your pillow is dust mites . This is inhaled by the time you fall asleep . On top of what objects you slept with , it can affect your allergies or asthma .
13 . barbecueBarbecue at home or term - fuel combustion every get-together has been the usual things you do with friends and relatives ? Try to think about it again if this practice would continue. Cooking meat over hot coals can cause cancer .Because the burning flesh creates polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) and heterocyclic amines ( HCAs ) . When fat from meat and melted down to hot coals , burning , and smoke occurred , created PAH . This is what makes black marks on the meat after it burned . HCAs are formed when meat is cooked at high temperatures , which is also formed when cooking indoors .
14 . Opening the windowThe air inside the house is also dangerous for health because it contains bacteria , mold , mildew , smoke , viruses , pet dead skin , dust mites , and many other things .It is recommended to not add pollutants into the house again , and turn on the air conditioner . All home air conditioner has a filter system that secures the device from substance destroyer . However , it is important to be sure that the air conditioner has a filter that can be used to filter the smallest particles .

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