Tonsil illustration |
Tonsils (tonsils), of all people. Tonsils make a kind of lymphocyte white blood cells to kill germs that enter through the mouth. When healthy tonsils, or tonsils rather large but unobtrusive way breathing or cause pain, it does not need to be left unharmed.Necessary in tonsils are inflamed tonsils is treated (the caused by
infection with bacteria) that cause fever, headache, vomiting, weakness
is not excited, and even interfere with breathing.Here we provide some prescription medication to treat thyroid disease, want to know what the recipe? Please see the recipe below:Prescription Medicine tonsilsPrescription Medicine tonsilsTreatment of thyroid diseaseThe recipes are as follows:
1. Take 3 lime peel, and then washed. Cut into pieces and boiled with 2 cups of water until only 3/4 plainly strains. Rinse your mouth with water and drink. Do it 3-4 times a day, 3 tablespoons call now.
2. Thousand grated turmeric finger, pour a glass of water, put lime juice and a tablespoon of honey. Drink once a day.
3. A few leaves of Morinda citrifolia are washed thoroughly, then boiled until cooked. Eat as a salad. But every half hour rinse with water concoction. (Note: This recipe can also treat strep throat)
4. Take 5-10 leaves a duck bill, and then washed. Then rinsed with water to cook and mash until smooth, squeeze, strain. Use this water to rinse.
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